Luxury Bed & Breakfast - Seminars & Receptions
Luxury Bed & Breakfast - Seminars & Receptions

Relaxation afternoons – Spa & Sauna – bullés de thé

Spend an afternoon with friends at the Templerie

Relaxation and well-being in La Flèche

La Templerie is pleased to offer busy mothers and women who have long days between children and work, a few hours of relaxation in its wellness area.

From 11am to 3pm every day, you can enjoy the high-tech spa and sauna, advance reservations required.

After the bubbles of the spa and the heat of the sauna, you can enjoy a home-made cake over a convivial tea (or coffee) in one of La Templerie’s lounges.

Price: 45 euros per person for 1h30

this offer does not include access to the swimming pool
group of 4 people maximum

An afternoon with friends in La Flèche at the Templerie

Spa and Sauna in La Flèche

The SPA has 4 reclining seats so you can enjoy quality massages all over your body. Thanks to the fixed jets on the armrests, you can also enjoy a massage in this area, which is often overlooked.

It has 8 different massages:
Intense massage, whirlpool massage, cervical massage, tapotement massage, twist massage, lumbar massage, weightlessness massage and foot reflexology.

You can also take advantage of its state-of-the-art equipment, including chromotherapy, aromatherapy and audio system. The spa’s ergonomics have been perfectly thought out to ensure you enjoy moments of pure relaxation.

The SAUNA, for safety reasons, is limited to a maximum of 15 minutes per person.

In principle, 8 to 15 minutes is recommended to strengthen the body. During the first session, sweating is recommended for 8 to 10 minutes, and other sessions can be extended by a maximum of 10 to 15 minutes.